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Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies.  He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II.

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General Intercessions



March 5, 2025

General Intercessions

Eighth SUNDAY of Ordinary Time

March 2, 2025


Presider: The Word is a lamp for our feet and a light to our path. With the presence of the Word proclaimed and explained to us in the homily, with confidence in God’s word, we offer our prayers to God

Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, Hear our prayer”


1.That Pope Francis, Bishop___________, clergy, religious, lay leadership, and catechists prophetically speak the truth of the signs of the times and guide our efforts to achieving the freedom of the sons and daughters of God, we pray...

2. That our parish discern in the policies and strategies of our nation what is for the common good and what is not, supporting the good and rejecting that which is not for the common good, we pray...

3. That Christians actively seek the poor, the marginalized, and the aliens in our midst and treat them with the dignity and worth that is theirs as created in God’s image and likeness, we pray...

4. That our parish support and pray for first responders, military service personnel, doctors, nurses, and educators who serve all persons in need of health, protection, and education, we pray...

5. That religious, clergy, and hierarchy reach out to all without regard to wealth, power, fame, or education, serving all with God’s loving kindness, we pray...

6. That each person witnesses by their lives the strength of their faith and hope as they practice charity to family, friends, acquaintances, and others encountered, we pray...

7. That we learn how to love our enemies as we love ourselves. That we witness, in our relationships, to the Cross of the Lord and come to understand and live the Resurrection of the Lord which is how we witness to Jesus’ conquering evil and death, we pray...

8. That those who died this past week (list here) and those approaching death’s door to eternity are encouraged in faith and welcomed by Jesus. That the intention of this Mass, (list here) _________ is (are) remembered in our prayers, we pray...

9. Let us raise to God our needs and concerns of hand, mind, and heart: (pause) Let us place these intentions on the altar with the financial gifts we offer for the needy of our community, we pray...


Presider: Lord, guide the course of world events. Move our hearts away from idolatry of false gods toward recognition of the Word in nature, in the vastness of the universe, and the wonder of each unique person we encounter. Let us learn to love others as we love ourselves. We ask that you help us in the name of Jesus, our brother who lives with you forever in the life of the Holy Spirit.

Response: Amen.

(Click Here for a "Printer Friendly" version.)

  "Blessings on your preaching."

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