website contains
collection of free email
and Dominican
preaching resources.
At this
site you will find: |
A preacher's early reflections on the upcoming Sundays readings and liturgy:
Available in Spanish & English
and authored by
Jude Siciliano, OP, a member of the Southern Dominican Province, U.S.A.,
who lives
with a community of Dominican Preachers in Irving, Texas.
Pages here update Daily with Major Weekly Updates on Sunday's - 9pm EST.
“First Impressions” -
the latest reflection by Jude Siciliano, OP.
Volume II - These
reflections also follow the
Liturgical Calendar and appear here about mid week each week.
They are written by various guest authors.
Come and See! -
Brief daily reflections on the upcoming daily Scriptures by
Elaine Ireland.
SPANISH: - Español
Homilías Dominicales
Si desea
recibir Homilías Dominicales electrónico, envíe un mensaje de correo
electrónico al
P. John Boll, OP. Por favor, escriba SUSCRIBIR como asunto
si aún no está allí.
Haga clic aquí para
DAR DE BAJA o CAMBIAR su suscripción.
Palabras para Domingo -
Español - Sr. Kathleen Maire
Homilías Breves
Español -
Padre Carmelo Mele, OP
If you would like to receive
“First Impressions,”
Volume II via E-Mail, please send
an E-mail message to
Fr. John Boll, OP.
Please put SUBSCRIBE as the subject if it is not already there.
Click Here to UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your subscription.
And, as always... "Blessings on your preaching."