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Sr. Brenda Walsh, OP

Each year, there is a special call to renew our pledge to continue our journey as peacemakers. The United Nations sets aside a day designated to creating a peaceful world. All are invited to promote the ideals of peace and to give positive evidence of their commitment to peace-making in all viable ways.

Peace is badly needed all over the world today. The call to practice and live peacefully is for all human beings regardless of their age or condition. What are some of the ways that groups can be engaged in creating a just, harmonious and inclusive society? The first and most important thing is to pray and reflect on the meaning of this virtue and ways to be involved in creating it. Invite God to remove all the barriers in our minds and hearts, and allow God to fill them with light, hope and peace. Include all people in this endeavor. They can be children, adults of all ages, people of different cultures and religious affiliations. What are some of the ways they can be involved in peace-making?  Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations once said that for educators, “it is not enough to teach children to read, write and converse. We must teach them to have respect for themselves, for others and for the world in which we live.” Children can create posters about their efforts at peace-making and share their good news with others. Teach children ways to be respectful of each other and share their plans for peace-making. Conflict Resolution skills are now taught in many schools and can help children acquire skills that are useful for life in many different ways.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that “We must be the change we want to see happen.” We can all learn ways to address anger and resentment and learn how to relate peacefully in our interactions. We can also write to legislators and explain to them that violence only begets more violence. Write letters to the editors of local newspapers and support peace –making endeavors that we see in progress. . All people can be taught to use their diverse gifts to bring peace to our world. Look at the causes of violence and work to challenge them. Often our society and nation use violence as a way of solving problems.

What kind of world do we want to leave to future generations? Then call groups together to decide what part they will play in creating it. No effort is too small to make a difference. We need a new vision, a new way of seeing and being and doing. By working in and through the power of the Spirit, we can accomplish great things to create a hope -filled and peaceful world. We are reminded that God’s power working in us and through us, can help us can do infinitely more than we dare ask or imagine.

Pope Francis passionately reminded people about our call to be peacemakers and create the kind of world God has in mind for all people. He said that  ” it is evident that peace is the only true direction of human progress, and not the tensions caused by ambitious nationalism, nor conquests by violence.” To proclaim peace is the same as to announce Jesus Christ. “He is our peace.”(Eph.11:14).Through His Sacrifice on the Cross, Jesus brought universal reconciliation, and we are called to be reconcilers, as His followers.” Loving God, guide our feet on the path of peace.

As followers of Dominic, we are called to follow his example and way of life by going into dark and dreary places, and holding high the Torch of Truth and bringing the light of God to all people. Then we can mirror God’s mercy and love wherever we are. May we have the courage to live Dominic’s daring dream and know that with God’s unfailing help, the mission can be accomplished.  


Dominican Preaching Archive

Preaching is at the heart of the Dominican vocation. The Dominican Leadership Conference claims for all members of the Dominican Family the right to preach, and commits itself to the struggle this claim entails. The injustices of our day compel us to place the charism of preaching at the service of the poor and powerless. The Dominican prophetic message, rooted in experience, study and prayer, will move both preachers and hearers of the word to act for the transformation of oppressive structures. The Conference on its part will act corporately, confronting evil with the Gospel and working for the construction of a just world order.

We embrace the mission of preaching for justice with a commitment to act in collaboration with one another and all those with and among whom we minister

------Dominican Leadership Conference

(The latest additions are shown first.  Click on an article title below to view it.)

• A Call to Light the World With Truth •
• A Harvest of Thanksgiving •
• Blessed Are the Peacemakers •
• Dominic's Daring Dream •
• Dominic, Preacher of Grace •
• Inside Darkness - The Film •
• Acquiring Legal Status Under Fedral Immigration Law •
• Living With Integrity •
• Preaching Participation •
• Reclaiming the Gift of Prophetic Preaching •
• The Call And the Challenge To Address Racism •
• United Nations •

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