5 LENT (A) APRIL 6, 2025
Ezekiel 37: 12-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8: 8-11; John 11: 1-45
by Jude Siciliano, OP
Dear Preachers:
Even those just beginning to read the
Scriptures realize quickly that, like good literature, the sacred writings
communicate through symbol and poetry. So, in today’s gospel, we are told that a
man named Lazarus, who lived in Bethany, was ill. John begins by first
describing him as “a man,” other translations say, “a certain man.” One senses
that he is not just one particular person, but that he represents us all – women
and men in every age.
Bethany, where the ill one lies, means “the house of the afflicted” and Lazarus’
name means, “God helps.” In a few opening words the master writer, John, has
summarized the gospel story – all gospel stories. Lazarus is seriously ill. Our
story begins in need and soon spirals downward. But, though he dies, Lazarus is
not forgotten in the tomb. “God remembers” and Jesus comes to the tomb. He is
the concrete sign that God has not forgotten us humans. There are many
afflictions we humans suffer, we are, in the gospel’s imagery, a “house of the
afflicted.” In one way or another, we are Lazarus in the tomb and God has not
forgotten our name either, “God helps.”
Let’s not forget Mary and her sister Martha. Lazarus isn’t the only one
suffering in dire circumstances. He is not a solitary, but is connected to a
loving family, his grieving sisters. The three also have concerned friends and
after Lazarus dies, “many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort
them about their brother.” The three are well connected to others. But still,
even with all that support, these humans are unable to stop Lazarus’ slide into
death. The “certain man” needed help, as each and all of us do in a world where
death, in forms of violence, hatred, and despair, exerts seeming total control
over us. Our skilled gospel writer has us on board now as join him and one
another to discover whether Lazarus’ name will prove true, “God helps.”
Wouldn’t you be frustrated with Jesus if you were one of the sisters? He has the
power and he loves Lazarus and his sisters. Why did he delay and let Lazarus
die! What is he up to, anyway? We get assurance early. Immediately after Jesus
is told, “Master, the one you love, is ill,” and he responds, “This illness is
not to end in death....”
What the story will reveal is Jesus’ power over death. John anticipates this
manifestation and tells us that we will learn about the “glory of God” – that
our God is not a God of death, but a God of life. Isn’t that our hope when we
live in “the house of the afflicted?” When we suffer and watch those we love
diminish? Faith in Jesus, like the kind Mary and Martha had, does not guarantee
an easy solution, a cessation of all problems. In fact, things may even get
worse, as they did for Lazarus and his sisters. We might ask with them, “Where
is Jesus when we need him!?” At this point in the story we do believe and hope
that God’s “glory” will shine forth in the end. Because of Jesus we have the
life of God in us, helping us through the losses that afflict us.
Death seems to have the last word. Sin and death hold the world in a powerful,
seeming unbreakable grip. The powerful ones of the world often have the ultimate
fate of their subjects in their hands. But Jesus comes to Lazarus’ tomb and to
our tombs as well, revealing that God has the last word – and it is a word of
How do we discover the “glory of God?” In Jesus God comes to the dead spots and
the tombs, that seal us up – limited vision, addictions, indifference,
helplessness, spiritual fatigue and discouragement – and calls each of us by
name, “N, come out!” Which is what Jesus does for us today. We have called to
him to come to our community’s needs, as well as to our personal ones. It is
never too late, even though we may think the human situation is beyond all hope.
In fact, things may go from bad to worse, but they are never beyond the healing
reach of Jesus’ word – “Come out.” At this Eucharist his word comes to us, helps
us through the losses death has inflicted on us, forgives our sins and then
sends us on mission to be bearers in word and deed of the new, raised life we
have received.
After Jesus calls Lazarus forth from the tomb, he tells those nearby, “Untie him
and let him go.” Which is what he does for us. Through his death and
resurrection death no longer has the last word over us. We now live a new life.
Inspired by Jesus’ word we pray, “Untie us and let us go! Free us from the
bindings that cause us to think only of ourselves and those closest to us.” We
want to be Christ’s instruments for life in the world: defenders of the poor,
voices for the oppressed and defenseless. We want to untie the cords of hunger,
racism, war, economic inequality, homelessness and hopelessness that keep others
bound and held down.
Ezekiel reminds us that God’s Spirit can do for us what we cannot do for
ourselves. The prophet saw the defeated and enslaved people of Israel in his
vision of the valley of dry bones. But God’s breath over the bones gave them
life and raised them up. No wonder this reading was chosen to go with today’s
gospel. The same life-giving God that breathed new life over the dry bones of
Israel, did the same for Lazarus.
Is anyone or situation beyond God’s help? Even death cannot frustrate the plans
God has for us: to bring life and hope to even the most dire situation. Can
Jesus come to the dead places of our nation and world and raise up disciples to
feed the hungry, heal the sick, educate children and develop the potential of
all human beings? Yes, our God, who approached the tomb of the beloved Lazarus
and was not repelled by the stench of death, can breathe life where death seems
to be entrenched.
We pray at our celebration today, “Unbind us and let us go.” The one who is,
“the resurrection and the life,” will call us forth, breathe new life into us in
the Word and nourish us with his body and blood. Then he will send us forth to
do for others what the Resurrected One has done for us – untie and release
Click here for a
link to this Sunday’s readings: